
Achlorhydria is a lack of hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the digestive juices in the stomach. It's a more severe form of a hypochlorhydria.


Both achlorhydria, and hypochlorhydria can impair the digestive process and lead to damage of the gastrointestinal system.

HCl acids break down our food and activate digestive enzymes that dissolve proteins and other nutrients. It also helps kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites in the stomach, protecting you from infection and disease.

Left untreated, achlorhydria and hypochlorhydria can have life-threatening consequences.

Patients with Achlorhydria may have a form of Pernicious Anemia, which can be detected with a routine Blood test.

When the Anemia is corrected it is possible for the stomachs Parietal Function to return to Normal.

One of the predominant conditions of Patients that are HIV Positive (AID’s) is Acute Hypochlorhydria, and Achlorhydria in the later stages.

The Heidelberg Diagnostic System can be used to determine the correct amount and type of medication necessary to bring the First Stage of Digestion back to its optimum level, for good conversion and absorption.

The Heidelberg Diagnostic System will not cure HIV Positive Patients, but it can be be used to increase the quality of life for these Patients.


Pyloric Insufficiency


Gastric Ulcers